Saturday, January 22, 2011

Notes on Vacation

I am in Memphis for the weekend. Since Sir Cakewalk is here for a conference, mostly I am operating independently on this trip.

Here are some random notes about the trip, vacationing in general, exercising, food, etc:
  • In an effort to eat healthfully and cheaply, I brought food with me. I brought packets of oatmeal, dried cranberries, peanut butter crackers, fruit bars, apples, and wasabi peas. This means I have breakfast every day and hearty snacks. Although I forgot to also bring bowls and eating implements. So, yesterday I got hot water from the cafe in the hotel (there was no coffee maker or microwave in the room), put the oatmeal in a glass and ate it with a coffee cup lid. I know, this is a bit silly. But I saved a bunch of money and calories. Today Sir Cakewalk snagged me a spoon and some hot water so I was a bit classier.
  • Even though I was sore, I got up yesterday and ran 4 miles on the treadmill. This made my legs feel much better and set a good tone for the day. After showering I also got out and walked around the city a bit. One of my favorite things to do on vacation is walk around. Of course, this isn't always easy or safe, so please try to be smart about it.
  • I enjoy trying new things and eating locally when I travel. When we first arrived we went out for drinks with friends and I got a local beer brewed a mile down the street from where I sat. It was delicious! I also researched the area to find out what the local specialties are (not too hard to figure out here in Memphis), and where the best places to eat are. I do NOT like eating at chains while away and I do NOT like eating a restaurants that cater to tourists. This has allowed me to try some of the most delicious foods I never would've tried (chicken foot soup in Mexico, for example.) Yesterday I found a restaurant nearby and ventured over for lunch. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but it was tasty. I'm hoping to eat somewhere really good and auténtico tomorrow night for our last official meal. I may even splurge for a taxi for this one since I don't like to have my choices confined to walking distance.
  • Do not be afraid to eat by yourself. At the aforementioned lunch yesterday I went to a busy lunch spot and sat by myself at the bar. I had my phone to keep me company should I feel lonely, but it wasn't needed. The bartender was friendly and told me about his band. I also got to chat with an older gentleman seated next to me, who even gave me a glass of wine from the bottle he purchased. You never know who you will meet or what you will learn when you step out a little and talk to folks.
  • I tried poutine. I had heard about it from my Canadian co-worker. I know, I know, I'm in Memphis not Montreal. So why was I eating this? Well, we had just arrived at the hotel and we were starving. I had no desire to eat at the hotel, so we asked the concierge what was good in the area. She tossed out a few ideas, but we decided to strike out on our own to see what we'd see. The first place we saw was a cute Canadian restaurant. I've never eaten at a Canadian restaurant, so we thought we'd give it a try. It did not disappoint! My meal was not healthy (poutine is fries with cheese and gravy). But it filled me up and allowed me to try something new. Plus, I made up for it later by eating a light snack instead of a full dinner and going for a swim.
  • I am impressed by the number of greenways, parks and walking areas in the US. I live close to a greenway trail and have miles of them in the vicinity. But we aren't the only ones with them. It's pretty easy to find them on the internets, and they provide a way to get out and exercise while seeing some sights. The one here in Memphis follows the Mississippi River and the downtown area. I think the most impressive one I've seen was in Colorado. I'm not sure where it started or ended, but it went at least from Breckenridge to Vail...that's over 30 miles and over mountains!!! That's incredible. Check them out when you travel...go for a walk or run or rent a bike.
  • Today I'm having tea at the french restaurant at the hotel. I'm also going for a free historical tour of the hotel in just a few minutes. This isn't a travel blog (but I can recommend a good one if you'd like), but I just wanted to re-iterate my recommendation to see what's going on around you when you travel. See what's free or unique. Don't just follow the other tourists. Try something new, whether it a food or an adventure of some sort.

Need help being healthy while on the road? Shoot me your questions!

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