Thursday, August 26, 2010

Exercise Is Good But Proper Diet Is Better

I am all about exercise. It doesn't have to be elaborate or painful. You can do it anywhere. Just a little bit can yield drastic improvements in your health.

BUT (not butt), if you are trying to lose weight, exercise is only one small part of the equation.

Running (or walking) 1 mile will burn about 100 calories.

That bottle of coke in your hand has around 200 calories. I don't know about you, but I can drink a coke in less than a few minutes.

So what would you rather do, run 2 miles or put down that one coke?

If you choose to forgo the value meal and skip the fries at lunch today you will save 500 calories. To burn the same amount of calories as that one side of fries you would have to run 5 miles, lift weights for 2 hours or garden for 3 hours.

What's my point? Exercise does not burn as many calories as people tend to think. But food has MORE calories than people realize. Thus, it is far easier to lose weight by simply cutting calories than by continuing to eat the same diet and adding exercise.

NOTE: This is merely one reason why I am not a fan of a certain tv show that features people losing inappropriate amounts of weight in a short period of time. It sends the wrong message that if you want to lose weight all you have to do is exercise more. But this is only half the story. I have met folks who have been on the show. Many of them have gained back some of the weight they lost. Why? Because it is unrealistic to exercise 8 hours a day unless you are a professional athlete.

So what's my take home message? If you want to lose weight, it is best to cut calories ( not go on a severely restricted calorie diet unless under medical supervision), and add exercise. But, if you don't have time to exercise, you can still lose weight and be healthier by cutting back on what you consume.

If you are able, I would recommend a visit with a RD to learn how many calories you need every day and how many you need to eat to lose weight realistically and healthfully.

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