Yesterday I tried hot yoga for the first time.
Have you tried it?
If not, are you thinking of an excuse right now why you haven't?
- I don't like heat
- I'm not flexible
- Yoga isn't a good workout
- Yoga's too hard
- I don't like to sweat
I think the key to making fitness a part of your life, which YOU NEED TO DO if you haven't already, is to find something you love and do it consistently but remembering to add variety too. You may have to set aside your excuses and branch out to find something that really suits you. And then you have to keep doing it from time to time.
I love to run....well sometimes I do. Sometimes I hate it. But I still do it. I had a lot of excuses I had to work through before I got comfortable enough to run on a treadmill in a crowded gym or down the street in my neighborhood. But now I do both several times a week and love it. But it isn't enough.
I also had to add strength training so I joined a lunch class at work and faced routines I never dreamed I would be able to do. But now I can, at least to some extent. I also added yoga to increase flexibility and for relaxation purposes. Believe me, I'm one of the silliest looking people in the class, but I don't care! It feels great and I know first hand that if I just stick with it I will improve. We all have to start somewhere.
I love to run....well sometimes I do. Sometimes I hate it. But I still do it. I had a lot of excuses I had to work through before I got comfortable enough to run on a treadmill in a crowded gym or down the street in my neighborhood. But now I do both several times a week and love it. But it isn't enough.
I also had to add strength training so I joined a lunch class at work and faced routines I never dreamed I would be able to do. But now I can, at least to some extent. I also added yoga to increase flexibility and for relaxation purposes. Believe me, I'm one of the silliest looking people in the class, but I don't care! It feels great and I know first hand that if I just stick with it I will improve. We all have to start somewhere.
So what have you always thought about trying but were too scared?
Is there a class a friend has invited you to and you've always declined?
Do you want to take a dance class?
Rock climb?
Try yoga or hot tamale yoga?
Workout in the weight room at the gym?
Join a gym?
Run a race?
Take a cycling class or ride a bike?
Is there a class a friend has invited you to and you've always declined?
Do you want to take a dance class?
Rock climb?
Try yoga or hot tamale yoga?
Workout in the weight room at the gym?
Join a gym?
Run a race?
Take a cycling class or ride a bike?
I am encouraging you to get off your bootie and go try something new. If you are new to exercise, try something easy and seek assistance/advice as necessary. If you are already doing something, add some variety. Either way you have to step outside your comfort zone. Maybe you will hate it. Maybe you will love it. Maybe it will take a few tries and then you'll be hooked. What have you got to lose?
What have you got to lose if you don't?

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