Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Food at WalMart?

Personally I have a love/hate relationship with WalMart, aka Wally World, as it is known in my family. I disagree with many of their business practices on principle. But for some items, the price and availability is enticing.

Of course, I know typically I'm getting what I pay for. Several months ago, a friend told me that even standardized products that seem identical to those sold in other stores, may not be the same product. When I heard this, I immediately thought back to bagels...(cue traveling back in time music)....

At the grocery store, I try to buy as much of my food on special or discount as possible. One week, fancy bagels were BOGO. They were delish, had no HFCS, were only 300 calories each, and had fiber and protein. Unfortunately, when I went back to get more, the price had gone back up and I just couldn't justify paying the extra cost. (While I have no problem spending extra money on some food items like organics and fresh seafood, I am disciminatory in the practice.) While at Wal-Mart for some staples (cleaning products or something), I decided to see if they carried the bagels. (I haven't shopped at Wal-Mart for food since college because I found the quality lacking, but more on that later.) They did! I bought a few bags since they were considerably cheaper than at the grocery. But I never bought more because almost every bagel in each bag had a weird burnt taste. It didn't mean anything to me at the time. But after my friend's comment it occurred to me that maybe I was paying less because these bagels were mistakes.

I have tried buying Wal-mart produce in the past, but was always disappointed at the flavor and how quickly it went bad. Even at the nicest of Wally Worlds, much of the produce always seemed icky. At one local store I've even seen gnats and flies swarming around the fruit...and it was one of the nicer/newer stores!

I've also had issue with WM weaseling their way into the local and organic food markets. But it's a sticky subject for reasons that I will not delve into right now.

So when a friend recently told me about an article that claims WM food was just as good as that from Whole Foods, I was intrigued.

Here is the article.

What do you think???

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's Your Excuse? An Activity

Today I spoke at length with a co-worker about excuses for not working out. I know sometimes there are barriers that cannot be overcome. But, let's face it, usually they are excuses that hold us back. I'm not on a high horse here. I fall victim to my own excuses every now and then. It's amazing how adept my mind is at coming up with a rationale for not working out. (Right now it's trying to scheme a way out of a 5pm run.)

Here are some I've heard or used myself:
  • I don't have time.
  • It's too cold outside.
  • I don't want to be outside walking/running by myself.
  • It gets dark too early.
  • Gyms cost too much money.
  • I'm tired.
  • I'm hungry.
  • I'm too full.
  • By the time I get home I have no motivation.
  • I don't have the right shoes/clothes/gear.
  • I'm out of shape.
  • I don't know what to do.
What is your excuse? Or, should I say, excuses? (Because there is never just one.)

My co-worker laughingly told me that sometimes at the end of the day she thinks back over all of the excuses she used to justify not working out. She said she often feels sick to her stomach because there are so many and she knows she easily could've worked out anyway.

So here is your activity:
Write them down. Starting tonight or tomorrow morning or whatever, record all of the excuses, reasons, and crazy rationales you use to try to get out of working out within a days time or 24 hours (whether they work or not.) It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just carry a post-it in your pocket and jot them down as they come to you or keep a word doc going on your computer. Then, if you'd like to share, post some (or all) of them in a comment to this post. I won't use your name, and you don't even have to give it to me, if I do share your thoughts in a future post. I will try to help brainstorm some solutions and suggestions. If you don't want to share, at least take some time to go over what you wrote. Is there an easy fix? Is there something you need to purchase or learn more about? Do you need to ask me or a trainer for help?

I have tried to develop tricks and techniques to avoid my personal pitfalls and they often work. I also know that once we show ourselves that something can be done that we thought could not be done or would be too hard, we start to knock down walls of excuses.

Here are some of my personal tricks:
Note: These may not work for you, but they are things I have done to overcome my personal excuses.
  • At least a few times a week I work out on my lunch hour. Sure, I get a little sweaty, but that's nothing a little baby powder and a paper towel can't fix. It prevents the afternoon slump that I'm feeling right now since I didn't do a lunch workout today. And, it gets rid of all the excuses attached to working out in the morning or evening.
  • I have nice shoes and nice workout clothes. This way I am comfortable and have what I need to get in a good workout. I have a good rain jacket and warm clothes so the weather is not an issue (unless it's a blizzard, which has been applicable at times.)
  • I register for races and events so that I am locked into a training plan.
  • I workout with co-workers. On days I don't feel like it I make myself even if just to avoid hearing them taunt me.
  • I belong to an affordable and convenient gym. Actually, I belong to 2. One is close to work and one is close to home.
  • I tell people my goals and plans.
  • I attend a special class that cost $ and has a designated schedule. To miss it is like skipping school.
  • I pack my workout clothes and shoes in a large bag and take it to work/have it ready to go. I even have an old pair of shoes in the trunk of my car just in case.
  • I have an ipod that I put new music and shows on. Right now I can't wait to get back on an elliptical so I can watch the rest of a Big Love episode. I also like to workout on machines that have tvs or at a gym with a cardio cinema.
  • I bought a TRX so that I can do some arm work at home without any prep needed and without taking too much time. I may also buy a ball and a band.
  • I realize that many of my tricks involve a fee or cost. But I have found that a financial commitment is a good motivator.
Above is a picture of my bookcase in my office. I didn't put them there for the photo, but as you will see, my running shoes are sitting right there with my books and materials.

Do you have tricks or techniques that you use to avoid excuses? I'd love to hear them!

Task Force On Childhood Obesity!

President Barack Obama signed a memorandum on February 9, 2010 establishing a Task Force on Childhood Obesity. The memorandum appeared in the Federal Register (75 FR 7197, February 18, 2010).

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Memorandum -- Establishing a Task Force on Childhood Obesity


SUBJECT: Establishing a Task Force on Childhood Obesity

Across our country, childhood obesity has reached epidemic rates and, as a result, our children may live shorter lives than their parents. Obesity has been recognized as a problem for decades, but efforts to address this crisis to date have been insufficient. My Administration is committed to redoubling our efforts to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation through a comprehensive approach that builds on effective strategies, engages families and communities, and mobilizes both public and private sector resources.

Nearly one third of children in America are overweight or obese -- a rate that has tripled in adolescents and more than doubled in younger children since 1980. One third of all individuals born in the year 2000 or later will eventually suffer from diabetes over the course of their lifetime, while too many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma. Without effective intervention, many more children will endure serious illnesses that will put a strain on our health-care system. We must act now to improve the health of our Nation's children and avoid spending billions of dollars treating preventable disease.

Therefore, I have set a goal to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight. The First Lady will lead a national public awareness effort to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity. She will encourage involvement by actors from every sector -- the public, nonprofit, and private sectors, as well as parents and youth -- to help support and amplify the work of the Federal Government in improving the health of our children. But to meet our goal, we must accelerate implementation of successful strategies that will prevent and combat obesity. Such strategies include updating child nutrition policies in a way that addresses the best available scientific information, ensuring access to healthy, affordable food in schools and communities, as well as increasing physical activity and empowering parents and caregivers with the information and tools they need to make good choices for themselves and their families. To succeed, these efforts must be strategically targeted, and accountability should be clear. They will help our children develop lifelong healthy habits, ensuring they reach their greatest potential toward building a healthier and more prosperous America.

Barack Obama


In the past day or so I have had 3 people ask about yogurt. I don't know if there is a new yogurt fad that I don't know about or if it's just a co-ink-e-dink, but I thought it deserved a post.

So, first off, why do people think yogurt is so great?

Yogurt is a member of the milk and dairy food group. So just like milk, it provides calcium which can help prevent osteoporosis. But yogurt does have some additional benefits of its own. If it contains active cultures it may help with some GI disorders/conditions such as lactose intolerance. It can also benefit women with yeast infections (I will spare male readers the details.) Some yogurts even purport to help with regularity via bacterial content or added fiber.

Yogurt may also help with weight loss. Some studies have received a lot of publicity lately that show that milk, yogurt and dairy in general may promote weight loss. However, I do not think there is enough evidence yet to embrace these findings. Please do not think that just by adding yogurt to your daily food intake you will lose weight.

Unfortunately, not all yogurt is created equal. Take a look at the choices on your supermarket shelves. Yogurt can contain anywhere between 70 and 270 calories per serving. It can have no fat or be high in fat. It can have no sugar, added sugar, or artificial sweeteners. It can be plain or flavored. It can be runny, thick, whipped, or creamy. Some is organic some is not. Some have a ton of additives, some have only a few ingredients. And you might be curious about Greek yogurt which looks and tastes kinda like sour cream.

So here is my bottom line opinion on yogurt:
  • It can be a great easy snack or light meal, in combination with some other light foods.
  • It's portable.
  • It's cheap. Even if you "splurge" for the organic or specialty types, it still doesn't cost that much relative to the cost of a meal out.
  • It's portioned for us, so it takes the guess work out of calorie counting and portion control...unless you buy the larger containers.
  • It is typically sweet so it can be a nice dessert or snack when you need something sweet and don't want the calories of chocolate, etc.
  • Do I think it is a magical food? No.
  • Do I think you have to make yourself eat it if you really don't like it and have tried all the various types? No.
  • Do I like it? Yes. And I had to try several types to find the ones I like the best. I eat a yogurt or cottage cheese nearly every morning with a piece of fruit as my light breakfast.
Here are my bottom line recommendations:
  • If you don't like it or haven't tried it and you want to, I encourage you to buy one each of a couple of different styles and see what you prefer. I hate the runny yogurt that was standard until a few years ago. I prefer European style or anything creamy. I also like fruit on the bottom because they tend to be thicker and not as sweet. You may even have to try different flavors of the same brand/type.
  • Pay attention to the calories per serving. I would aim for 150 or less if you are trying to count calories/lose weight or at least be aware that some can pack a couple hundred calories, and take that into account in your daily balance.
  • Pay attention to the sugar/sweetener. I do not recommend the really light yogurts that contain artificial sweeteners unless you are diabetic and don't want to eat the options that are naturally low in sugar. They taste weird and are full of additives. On the other hand, some have so much sugar it might as well be ice cream. Many also have HFCS. Eeeeeek! If you can, try to avoid adding more HFCS to your diet.
  • Try greek yogurt. It is low in sugar and fat and has a nice thick consistency. If you buy it plain you can even use it as sour cream or in a savory dip or sauce. You can also buy it sweetened with a touch of honey or a fruit.
  • Stay away from the yogurts with added fiber. They have an icky taste and really do not provide the benefits of eating naturally occurring fiber (fruits and vegetables and whole grains.)
  • If you are vegetarian, be aware that many yogurts contain gelatin.
  • Personally, I try to buy organic and/or all natural. If you want to, just be aware that some of these can still contain a lot of calories or sugar. So read labels.
  • If you live near a Trader Joe's, give some of their varieties a try. They have a mocha and a chocolate European style that are thick, sweet-ish, and only about 120 calories. If you don't, there are still plenty of flavors and varieties to try at any major supermarket.
I hope this answers your questions. If you have more, please let me know.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Have you tried TRX?

Have you seen it?

Have you heard of it?

If you use Facebook or belong to a gym, you've probably at least heard about this new piece of workout equipment that is quickly gaining in popularity.

I first saw a TRX set-up while touring a local gym. An older gentlemen who was in incredible shape did a quick demonstration for us and told us it was the best thing he had ever used for a total body workout. I was skeptical about that. And besides, it looked tricky and even a little dangerous. Soooo not for me.

But then I got the chance to try it....

I have been attending an all female weights and circuit class a couple times a week on my lunch break. It is taught by two women who not only run the fitness programs at the university (so they know what they are doing), but are in incredible shape themselves. They kick our butts (or make us kick our own) by doing all kinds of crazy strength routines. (Can you walk across a room on your hands and feet maintaining a push up position?!?)

A few weeks ago my instructors decided to let our class be guinea pigs. The school just got some new equipment and they wanted us to be the first to try it. We walked into a room to find what looked like a jungle gym with ropes hanging off of it. I immediately recognized the TRX set up.

They led us through an hour long work out. Parts of it I could barely do, if at all. Parts of it worked my muscles in ways I had never experienced (I could actually feel my triceps working.) I was hooked.

Between starting a new job and buying a house, Sir Cakewalk hasn't had much time to work out and has been looking for a way to squeeze in more physical activity. He enjoys things that challenge him and his body. So for Valentine's Day I got him (us) a TRX. I figured it would kickstart his workout routine and help me get better arm definition in preparation for wearing a strapless wedding dress later this year.

Ok, so what is it????

It's basically a set of adjustable straps that you hook to a door or a support beam. From there you can perform different exercises/moves by suspending yourself and using your own body weight.

I like it because it's really light and really easy to set up. You can travel with it and use it just about anywhere. I also like it because it allows you to determine the intensity of your moves. It works your core and arms constantly and it helps with balance.

I wouldn't recommend it as a replacement for cardio. Although there is a cardio workout dvd that I haven't seen, it isn't really designed to get your heart rate up and keep it up for a sustained period of time. So if you are just looking to lose weight, this is not for you. But if you are looking to tone up or get into better shape, it's a great alternative to simple squats and push-ups or one-move machines at a $$$ gym.

Finally, if you are interested in getting one, I would see if you could try it out first. I would also recommend that the first time you use it, you do so with a trainer or someone who has experience with it. This will make it much easier and assure you use proper technique.

For more info, here is the website:

You can also buy many of the items on Amazon. I was able to get mine at a reduced price.

(The results pictured above are not guaranteed.) ;)

Re-Sip-P Of The Week: Spicy Vegetable Chowder In The Slow-cooker

Last night I made a spicy vegetable chowder and quesadillas for dinner. It turned out hotter than I expected, but was not only edible but delicioso!

Spicy Vegetable Chowder

You will need:
  • About 6 cups of broth
  • 1 small bag of frozen corn (I used half the bag)
  • 1 small bag of frozen lima beans (I used one small box in its entirety)
  • 1-2 large squash, cut into chunks (if you want a thicker soup, use more squash)
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 1 mild pepper, diced
  • Optional: 1/2 red pepper, diced
  • Optional: 2 slices of a hot pepper
  • S & P
  • Dash of cumin
  • Optional: feta cheese to sprinkle on top (I used homemade buttermilk cheese instead, but feta will work just as well.)
To make:
  1. Place 3 cups of broth in the slow-cooker/crockpot.
  2. Add all the vegetables. Or you can reserve some of the corn and 1 carrot to toss in near the end of the cooking process to add some crunch and texture.
  3. If the vegetables are not covered by the liquid, add more broth until all veggies are just submerged. One thing that distinguishes this "chowder" from a typical veggie soup is the amount of broth. I kept it as minimal as possible to keep the final product thick. But you want to make sure everything is cooked sufficiently in the liquid.
  4. Add a dash of S & P and a dash of cumin.
  5. Allow to cook on low for ~8 hours.
  6. Ladle into bowls and serve with garnish of crumbled cheese.
To make the quesadillas I allowed about 1 tsp of real butter to melt in a saute pan on medium heat. Then I placed one corn tortilla in the pan and covered it with a small amount of shredded mozzarella cheese and a few pieces of crumbled blue cheese. Then I topped it with another corn tortilla and cooked it liked a grilled cheese, flipping from time to time, until both sides were browned.

Side note: I prefer corn tortillas to flour. Corn tortillas provide about 50 calories each, while flour tortillas can pack on at least 150, but usually over 200. Additionally, corn tortillas contain less ingredients and have a robust flavor. If you don't like corn tortillas, use flour, just be aware of the calorie content and portion (use just one flour tortilla folded in half rather than two per each quesadilla.)

It didn't produce a large quantity, but it made enough to fill up both me and Sir Cakewalk and I was able to pack up a couple of lunch portions, which I will be enjoying today after my work out.

From Then On I Was Runnin

In 31 days I will run 13.1 miles with 2399 people.

I have had a love/hate relationship with running since I was a kid. When I was very young, my Dad was a marathon runner. I often went with him to his races. Although I don't remember it, I got to meet a lot of famous distance runners. What I do remember is the excitement and emotion of a marathon.

In high school I was prompted to join the cross country team because I knew I wasn't coordinated enough to do another sport and I wanted to do something active. I was never fast and I ended both seasons I participated on the injured list.

After that I ran and trained off and on for years, running many 5k's, but it never felt natural, let alone good.

Then I had a conversation that changed my perspective. While catching up with a friend I had not seen in a year, I learned she had trained for and run a marathon, although she had never run a day in her life prior. I shared with her how I was intrigued by running but how much I hated it and how I always ended up getting hurt, no matter what I did. She told me, "You're running too fast." Even though I assured her that I was not fast, she kept insisting that I was still running too fast for me and that I should slow down.

Since then I have learned to run at my own pace. I still do speed work on occasion and I push myself during my shorter runs. But for the most part, I run at what many would consider a snail's pace. And I love it! When I am out on a trail, running slow and easy I feel like I can run forever (within reason....I don't always feel like doing cartwheels as the miles go by...I mean it's hard no matter how fast or slow you go.)

This post doesn't really have a lesson or a point for that matter. I simply wanted to share my experience in a nutshell. But I would welcome any questions you may have on running, training, sports nutrition, etc or would love to hear your story about running or being physically active.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reader Question: Using Leftovers

"I typically try and plan out our meals for the week and then go to the grocery store. Sometimes work gets crazy so we end up eating out, but even if we don't, we inevidably have ingredient leftovers that will eventually go bad. Can you maybe plan out 5 different meals utilizing all of your ingredients? For example, we will make a pasta and only maybe use half a jar of sauce. We don't want to eat pasta 2 days so what to do with the leftover sauce? Or veggies, or anything. I would love to be able to make dinners for the week and not have portions of ingredients leftover that get wasted. Thanks!"

First I would like to say that I regularly toss stuff that doesn't get used. I try to use as much as I can, but I'm still learning and I know it's par for the course if you are making your own meals. It doesn't bother me because I know that even with the waste, I'm still spending less $ per meal and eating better than I would if we went out. Plus I'm going to start composting soon, so the leftovers will provide fertilizer for my garden, but that's another matter.

Next, I would recommend planning your meals with the anticipation of leftovers. If I buy baby spinach for homemade pizza on Monday, I know we won't use it all. So I will plan to have sauteed spinach as a side on Tuesday or I'll toss it into a sauce for pasta on Wednesday. I think vegetables and produce are the items that go bad the quickest, so I try to use them within a few days of getting them, even if it takes more than one meal. OR, I intentionally make extra so that I have leftovers for work. For example, last night I made pasta with vegetarian meatballs. I could've just made enough for us for dinner, but I knew I could eat some for lunch (either today or later this week or I could even have frozen it for later) so I made the whole pack of pasta, and all the meatballs I could. If you have trouble using an item more than once because of lack of ideas, use google or a web search...that's what I often do. It's a great way to find new recipes you wouldn't otherwise look for. Great sites for recipes are and You can put in an ingredient and diet specifications and get tons of recipe ideas. Enter "pasta sauce" or "tomato sauce" and you will probably get some good ideas. But here are a few that come to mind:
  • Pasta sauce over polenta
  • A different type of pasta like baked
  • Eggplant or chicken parmesan
  • Eggplant or chicken parmesan or meatball subs, broiled in the oven so they are toasted and have bubbly cheese on top
If you can't find another recipe to use, don't feel like you have to use leftover ingredients immediately. Pasta sauce can keep for weeks if you seal it well. Use the fresh produce first. Meat and prepared dishes can easily be frozen for another time.

I'm also a big fan of meals made with leftovers. The easiest are casseroles, soups, stir fry and pasta. You can toss almost any leftover veggies or meat into any of these dishes. (Or you can put stuff on a homemade pizza or fold into an omelet.) If I have some veggies that are going bad, I'll make one of these items. That's one reason I always have pasta and rice on hand. I use them to make these dishes with whatever perishable items I have on hand. Couscous is also versatile and can be used to pull together or supplement a lot of meals. I've had some in my fridge that we used for probably 5 different meals over the course of a couple of weeks. I just tossed the last of it in the trash but didn't care because we ate so much of it.

It's pretty tricky for me give you a week's menu with specific recipes that you'll actually use, but here is a sample based on the idea that you made pasta last night:

Pasta with sauce from a jar.
Not sure if you did this, but you could beef up the sauce with fresh meat like ground beef or turkey and veggies like an onion, peppers, carrots, or spinach.

Chicken parmesan with mashed/baked potatoes and broccoli (fresh or frozen).
Pound the chicken flat, bread it and saute it with EVOO in a pan. Then place it on a cookie sheet and top with leftover pasta sauce and shredded mozzarella and broil for a couple of minutes.

Quiche with potatoes, broccoli and cheese. Simple spinach salad on the side.

Homemade pizza with veggies and chicken (pesto or BBQ?).
Buy a pre-made crust or make your own. Layer with sauce or tomato paste, any fresh or sauteed veggies you have/like and leftover chicken breast. If the chicken is already cooked, pull apart with a fork and mix into a sauce like pesto or BBQ. If not cooked, cut chicken into cubes and saute with any sauce or seasoning.

Eat out or try soup and sandwich.
Prepare pre-made soup or make a quick soup using any leftovers. Potato soup? Broccoli and cheese soup? Carrot and red pepper? Chicken and veggies?
Make a panini with a George Forman or in a saute pan. Put cheese, any kind of meat, veggies, etc on bread which is lightly buttered, put sandwich together and cook on Forman until crisp and browned. You can keep it simple and just do cheese or cheese and lunchmeat or you can make it more elaborate (think Panera.)

On the weekend you can eat the leftover quiche with some fruit for a great brunch.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions. And if you try any of these suggestions, let me know how it goes.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Krispy Kreme Challenge Caloric Breakdown

This weekend 6,000 runners/walkers will attempt to inhale 72,000 Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts....during a race!

To complete the KK Challenge, runners/walkers must trek from NCSU to the Raleigh store and production center (2 miles), eat a dozen glazed doughnuts (not hot), and then make the return trip (2 more miles), within a time limit.

So what is the caloric breakdown of this vomitous yet enticing event?

1 glazed doughnut = 200 calories
12 doughnuts = 2,400 calories
72,000 doughnuts = 14,400,000 calories

1 mile of running/walking ~ 100 calories
4 miles of running/walking ~ 400 calories

2,400 calories IN - 400 OUT = 2,000 gained

1 pound of fat = 3,500 calories

What does this mean for competitors and participants?

Well, first it must be noted, that the above calculations are not exact. We burn calories at different rates based on our age, gender, body type, etc. But, in general, it can be estimated that traveling 1 mile will burn about 100 calories, whether it be walking or running.

So based on these estimations, if a participant were to consume all 12 donuts, she/he could stand to gain about a half a pound, not taking into account what they consume or burn the rest of the day. For example, if this person typically burns 2000 calories a day, and she does not eat anything else that day, she will essentially break even for the day and not gain any weight. But I do NOT recommend this strategy (for the KK Challenge, to compensate for alcohol consumption, or as a means to lose weight or avoiding gaining weight.)

To play it safe, a participant could choose to only eat 2 doughnuts. This would assure that they were calorically even at the end of the event. And while this is one real life method for tackling weight loss ( by considering calories consumed and calories burned and striving for balance or a caloric deficit), what would be the fun in that in this circumstance? :)

So my realistic nutrition advice would be this:
If you're gonna do it, do it. But don't let this be a regular occurrence. If you allow yourself too many exceptions for overdoing it, it will add up. Every day there is a birthday, special occasion or reason to overeat or treat yourself. Don't deny yourself, but choose your treats wisely and carefully.

If I were stranded on an island and I could eat all the yummy nutritious foods the island had to offer AND I could bring two foods from the modern world with me it would be KK glazed doughnuts and McDonald's fries (assuming they would taste like they were prepared fresh at their respective establishments.)

What one or two treats could you not live without???

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Diet Fad Timeline

Want to learn about fad diets over the past ~200 years? The American Dietetic Association has a timeline of fad diets. It isn't even close to being all-inclusive, but it is kind of interesting to see the trends and how some are repeated.


Ask Me Your Random Food/Nutrition Questions

Last night I taught a nutrition seminar. Throughout the 2 hours I got the most random food and nutrition questions. But, I tried to answer them all as best I could, even if they were off topic, because I recognized that this may be the only chance for this group of people to talk to an RD for free.

You get me for free all the time!

Are there questions you'd like to ask? It doesn't matter how random or how silly it might seem. If it will help you make a decision about food, it is worth asking.

Maybe you want to know about diet coke, the benefits of drinking red wine, how to properly cook a steak, which fruits are better than others, why organic food costs more $, etc etc etc.

Or maybe you recently received an email about how onions are dangerous and poisonous and you aren't sure if it's true.

Whatever your question or topic may be, I am here to answer it/clarify. If you ask something and I don't have the answer I will speak to my colleagues (near my office are 2 more RD's, a Phd food safety specialist, a PhD specialist in adult nutrition, a PhD specialist in child nutrition and others), or I will do some research and find the most current answer for you.

So what do YOU want to know???? Most your question as a comment to this post. If you don't want me to share it, just specify and I will respond to you off the record. Otherwise, I may post the comment without your name so that I can share the Q and A with readers.

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Never Too Late To Make A Healthy Choice

I didn't bring my lunch today. I only brought some fresh fruit, which I ate for my morning snack.

When it came time to take my lunch break I couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat. I am surrounded by fast food restaurants and a couple sit down establishments. I just wanted something quick that I could get and take back to the office.

Before I left I saw a co-worker eating a bagel and thought "Brueggers!" They have tasty soups and salads. And I can get a bagel for a snack later since I won't be able to eat dinner until 9pm. So after running some errands, I headed over. And they were closed due to the snow. :(

At this point I didn't know where to go and my 1 hour was dwindling quickly. So I decided to hit up Bo-han-gu-lays. They usually have good sides, so I could get some veggies and a biscuit. Not the healthiest...but I what other choice did I have?

But when I drove up, I realized they didn't have any veggies on the menu, just potatoes and rice and fries. Ugh! So, out of desperation, I got an egg and cheese biscuit and an unsweet tea.

Then, I was heading back to work when I passed Subway. I had forgotten it was there. Time to make a decision. I had already spent a couple dollars on the biscuit. But I really didn't want to eat it...and didn't want all the crappy calories. I went for it. I got myself a veggie sub with all the veggies (except onions and jalapenos). I don't get paid for endorsing Subway like the Biggest Loser folks. But in a pinch, it is a great option. Just be careful not to eat the fatty meats or high calorie sauces. Instead, choose a lean meat and top your sandwich with as many veggies as you can and either mustard or a low calorie sauce. I would also recommend skipping the cheese. It doesn't really add much flavor, but it does add calories.

As for the biscuit, it is currently stinking up my car. I didn't even want to bring it into the building to throw it away and risk someone thinking I ate there. ;)

So remember, it is never too late to make healthy choices.